This page is designed to directly address the navigators (case managers, success coaches, etc) who are trying to help all the various types of unsheltered people. Use the categories found on our main menu to help you drill down to the resources you’ll find most helpful. Our original intent was to aid people experiencing homelessness with resources to help them with shelter, food and jobs. But most of them need your help to steer them through the complex maze of resources available and reduce their anxiety and frustration.
Here is a list of Need-to-Know topics just for Navigators and Case Mgrs:
Adult Protective Services APS (when to get them involved)
Free Tax Prep Sites There are multiple places to get free help
CARES Special Paramedic/Licensed Social Worker teams
Extra Resources and Outreach from Sowing Mustard Seeds
How to deal with the DMV (and avoid getting a replacement Birth Cert.!!)
Just One Call Handy bypass for getting to the right person at the County
Meck. County’s Resource Guide/Dashboard includes filters, sorting and downloads
Medical Resources Everything medical including CoC’s extended resource list
Need-to-know items (certainly for the unsheltered but maybe you too)
Replacing a Social Security Card
Replacing a lost NC ID card (and dealing with the DMV)
Plain and simple bus directions to DMV offices. How to get there
Resource Maps see homeless resources surrounding you
SOAR Initiative (applying for SS disability)
How to Replace a lost NC ID on-line (CMPD CARES put together this great how-to for replacements)
Veteran’s Programs
Download and print the latest homeless flyer from C.A.R.E.S. 10/2024
Download and print the latest homeless flyer from Homeless Services Network (HSN) 1/2025
If you are a services provider for the homeless community and there are some errors in our posting about you; please, please leave us a comment about that. We monitor those on a daily basis and we really want to fix those asap.
So how does differ from other homeless resource sites? We won’t post any resource that we haven’t verified personally and/or visited on foot. Our focus is just Mecklenburg County and for the time-being, exactly HOW to get into one of these shelters! Our posts are written to be used directly by homeless people but we’ve added pages like this one for special info for those who are helping the unhoused navigate all the resources Charlote has to offer. We also have procedures and information in place to circle back every 3 ~ 6 months to make sure our information is up-to-date.

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