Room in the Inn

Room in the Inn is a program managed by A Roof AboveJust by itself, it’s larger than many other programs in the city.  Here’s how it works.

It runs from December to March, the coldest months of the year. This program will close on Friday, March 29th 2024 and should reopen December 1st 2024. It’s made up of a number of host sites** in CLT that are willing to come to A Roof above and pick you up for a night at their place. There you’ll find a warm dinner, a place to sleep, breakfast and a bag lunch. Then they will return you to A Roof Above, or the Charlotte Transportation Center early the next morning*. 

To enter this program, bring your ID to the Roof Above Day Services Center, 945 N. College Street for the daily sign up. Starting at 8:30 and no later than 11:00am they will put your name on the lottery list. To get on the list, you will have to show your Coordinated Entry “Clarity” card ID or state ID. It’s a lottery because there are often more people requesting a bed than available spaces at participating sites.  Another reason it’s a lottery is that they give a preference to women and children. Or you can call 704-334-3187 x321 to get your name on the list.
At 2:00p they announce the list of people who got a spot for that night. To make sure your spot is not given away, it’s best to be at Roof Above’s Day Services Center at 2p.  The site vans and vehicles start arriving at 5p to transport you to their place. You must be alcohol and drug-free to participate. You are asked to bring only one bag or backpack due to space restrictions, no bigger than 22x14x9 inches. Additional baggage can be checked in at Roof Above’s Day Services Center overnight.  They will not be responsible for bags not picked up by 10a the following morning.
Roof Above has been running this successful program for many years. Here’s a story of some of the neighbors who have participated.
* Downtown sites do not offer rides back to A Roof Above because they are downtown already
** sites can be churches, universities, and synagogues