Roof Above Transitional Shelters

Roof Above’s Transitional Men’s Shelters

The Howard Levine Shelter is at 3506 Statesville Rd. The other shelter is at 1210 N. Tryon. It’s just called the Tryon Center. Together these shelters contain over 419 beds. 

They differ from the 3510 Emergency shelter in a previous post. These are shelters where you will have a reserved bed until you leave the program; whether it’s for a couple of days or a month.    So, now you’re ready to change your life; how do you get started? 

Because of the success of this program there is more demand than the shelters can handle. But everybody gets a shot at it.  As men exit this program new slots open up daily and they are awarded to entrants into this program based on a simple daily lottery. You can do the daily sign-up for the lottery 3 different ways:

  1. Go to the 1210 N. Tryon shelter. Get there on the #11 or #21 bus. Here’s a map.  Sign-ups are from 7:30a~10a Monday ~ Friday.
  2. Go to the Resource Center at Roof Above Day services at 945 N. College St.  Get there on the #11 or #21 Here’s a map. Sign-ups are from 8:30a~9:30a.
  3. Call 704-334-3187×132 between 7:30~10a

When you sign up, they will ask you for your phone# because that’s how they notify the winners. (phone or e-mail). It helps to have a phone or access to email before you start this journey but if you don’t have one you can just check in with the Day Services Center every day to see if you’ve made the list. Beds open up at the shelter at the rate of 2 ~ 10 a day. So, it’s in your best interest to keep trying. Enter that lottery every day until you get in!

Once you’re in one of these two shelters, they will assign a “housing navigator” and they will help you plan your way out of homelessness with a custom plan that fits your situation best. (finding training, jobs, transportation) In addition, you’ll have shelter 24/7 and 3 meals a day.

There are some expectations for shelter residents (neighbors).

  • no verbal / physical assaults on other neighbors
  • no weapons
  • no smoking
  • must be back into the shelter by check-in time (4:30~9p)

* or individuals identifying as male