The Relatives… is a program that specializes in emergency housing for foster, homeless and runaway 7-17-year-olds. At this time, it is not a full-blown housing program. They occasionally help clients who have been in their program for an extended amount of time and are connected to a case manager, with some housing. And it is certainly not an emergency housing program. They are open to provide a safe place and to assist young adults get back on their feet. They actively work with relatives, and other resources to resolve conflicts and get kids rehoused in a safe environment.
Their address is 1100 East Blvd. Their phone# is 704.377.0602. Here’s a link to Google Maps for their location. They are conveniently located on Cats bus # 19 which will let you out just a block or so from their building.
For intake, referrals and more about what they do go to this page for information. The Relatives Youth Crisis Center