Homeless Categories

Agencies fighting homelessness tend to focus on one of 4 types of homelessness. If you’re homeless, you need to understand these 4 categories so you can pick the type you need. Here are the four categories:

Emergency Housing. This is when you suddenly find you’re on the street without a place to stay. It is typically good for only two days or maybe up to 2 weeks.

Domestic Violence Emergency Housing. This is when you or you and your kids suddenly realize you’re in a physically abusive or dangerous environment and you have to get to a protected place NOW..

Transitional Housing. These are programs designed to get you back on your feet. They typically include a place to stay and a case manager to help you make a new plan for your life.  These are hard to get into because they’re the most desirable.  Remember that getting a case manager to help you is a huge plus that can make the difference between ending up back on the street or back on your feet.

Permanent Housing. These are programs that can find you a place to live permanently. But they require that you can demonstrate a steady income. 

NC211.org already has some additional definitions of housing that you might find helpful.. https://nc211.org/shelters/