Crisis Assistance Ministry

 Crisis Assistance Ministry is designed to prevent homelessness before it happens. If you’re about to be evicted, they can provide

almost immediate short-term financial assistance to keep you in your apartment. They also can help you out with utilities if your power, 
gas or water are about to be cut off. While they are providing that assistance, they also provide you with a case manager to help you create a plan to get you back on your feet.

In addition to the above resources, they have one of the largest free clothing wardrobes in Charlotte. Bring the documents below to prove you are in financial need. You can “shop” there once every 30 days,  The Free Store is open Tuesday ~ Saturday from 10a ~ 4p, not MondaysNormally, they would require a referral from a case worker to shop in their free clothing store but they take “walk-ins” after 12pm. If you’re reading this as a case worker, please know that they allow certain agencies that maintain a small wardrobe service to come shopping there to replenish their supply.

Start by going to their aid office at 500-A Spratt Street. They have the best waiting room for services in Charlotte. When you come in, the center desk will greet you and set you up in the right queue for service. They have a unique system of texting you when your turn is up to talk to a benefits access counselor. If you can’t wait, you can request a phone assessment once you’ve signed-up there. Unlike the Free Store, the office is open from 10a ~ 4p Monday to Friday. Since they are providing real money, you’ll need to bring a number of documents with you. 

Here’s a list:

  • Picture ID of the person applying for financial assistance.
  • Social Security documentation for all household members: Social Security (SS) card, documentation from the SS Administration, W2 form from an employer, paystub with a complete SS number, or W7 if applicable. If you are not registered with the SS Administration, you must provide some form of ID.
  • Proof of household income over the past 30 days for all residents including earned and unearned income. Include all paystubs received by any household members during this period. If anyone receives unemployment, SSI, SSA, VA benefits, retirement pension, child support, disability payments, or income from any other source, you must provide verification of that income.
  • Past due utility bills or disconnection notices in the name of an adult who resides at that address, if applying for utility assistance.
  • Notice of an upcoming court date, court papers from a court date that has passed, or late notice from your landlord, if applying for rental assistance.
  • Rental lease to verify your residence if you are seeking rent assistance.

Please print or copy documents that show complete name, mailing address, dates, and amounts. We cannot guarantee the return of original documents. Any missing items will require follow-up before your request can be considered.


Their phone # is 704-371-3001.  Here’s a map to their building.  They are at 500 Spratt Street, right next to the Salvation Army Women’s Center.





How the process works once you come to their office



