Coordinated Entry Definition

This is our best effort to clearly explain and define C.E. It’s based on many conversations with people in the County who run it. We really want to thank them for their patience, guidance and information. This can be used with the companion post, Coordinated Entry – Tips. We have used a Five W / One H format in our definition.

What:  C.E. is a county-wide procedure to register every person requesting financial or housing assistance from agencies that receive county funds and indirectly, federal  funds

Where: It can be found in almost every charitable agency in Charlotte that receives at least some of its funds from the county and indirectly from the Federal Government.   Similar systems are in use across the country.

Why: Aid provided by the county and the government requires strict accounting. This system summarizes all the details in a way that matches government reporting guidelines so that funds keep flowing.   And in an environment where there are many more people needing shelter than available beds,  a  system and a procedure must be in place to make sure the most vulnerable people are sheltered first.  C.E. is also a way for multiple agencies to see what types of aid individuals are receiving and to prevent duplication of effort and aid.

When: Monday to Friday from 9a to 4p

Where: This is a Mecklenburg County system. There county workers at the Valerie Woodard Center, the Ella Scarborough Center and at the organizations below

• Roof Above * +
• CARES team @ CMPD
• Salvation Army Women’s Center of Hope * +
• Davidson Housing Coalition 
• Meck. County, Veterans Services
• Queen City Harm Reduction
• Block Love * +
• Project Outpour
• Atrium Health
• The Relatives / On Ramp * +
• Hearts for the Invisible
• Supportive Housing Communities
• Community Link
* does intake + does assessment by appointment

How: People are entered into the county’s database known as HMIS in a process called C.E. People who want access to shelters undergo a detailed interview called Assessment. After the Assessment they are placed on a list called the By-Name list. That list is reviewed weekly by a small committee from the resources above to determine who should be prioritized for shelter. Assessments are only valid for 90 days.






2 responses to “Coordinated Entry Definition”

  1. Michael J Tate Avatar
    Michael J Tate

    How can I take assessment online.

    1. Harry Avatar

      Hi Michael,
      Thanks for asking. That’s the one thing they won’t let you do. It’s probably because the assessment is a detailed and personal thing requiring personal interaction. There are many ways and places to get assessments, but I would recommend actually going in person to the Valerie Woodard Center as detailed on the Coordinated Entry Tips page link. It’s faster than most other methods.