Supportive Housing Communities

SHC provides permanent housing to unsheltered people in need. They have two primary facilities and scattered housing in smaller clusters all over the city. McCreesh Place is their biggest facility. It’s located 2120 North Davidson St, just below NoDa. This is the front door of that facility but it does not face Davidson St. The back of the building faces Davidson.

McCreesh Place

There are 90 units here. The facility specializes in helping individuals who are recovering from substance abuse so this building is alcohol and drug free. It’s a supportive site with case managers co-located there and contemplative spots like their library shown below.

Here are the details on requirements for entry.. SHC residents must have earnings (through employment or earned benefits) that are less than 30% of area median income and contribute 30% of their income, if any, toward rent. All residents are homeless at the time of entry, Like every other shelter resource in Charlotte, there’s a waiting list to get into the program. Applicants are only chosen through Mecklenburg County’s Coordinated Entry program.



