Individual Placement Support

Inside Promise Resource Network they have a separate department called IPS. It stands for Individual Placement and Support. Their approach to employment is unique. They start by understanding you and the kind of work you’re more likely to find interesting. The key to success in the job market is showing up every day. And you’re more likely to do that if they can connect you with a job you enjoy doing. The companies they work with know that too.

Here are their eight principles, right from their brochure:

  1. Competitive Employment: Positions anyone can apply for, that pay at least minimum wage
  2. Systematic job Development: Employment specialists actually visit employers, who are selected based on the individual’s preferences.
  3. Rapid Employment Search: The first face-to-face contact with the employer occurs within 30 days.
  4. Integrated Services: IPS programs are integrated with mental health and other treatment teams.
  5. Benefits Planning: We help obtain personalized understandable and accurate information about your government entitlements.
  6. Zero Exclusion:  Individuals are not excluded the basis of readiness, diagnoses, symptoms, substance use history, psychiatric hospitalizations, homelessness, level of disability or legal system involvement.
  7. Unlimited Time Support: Employment supports are individualized and continue for as long as needed.
  8. Worker Preference:  IPS program services are based on each individual’s preferences and choices, rather than the employment specialist’s and supervisor’s judgments.

All of their services are completely free. The sooner you call them at 704-390-7709 or visit them in person at 1401 East 7th street the sooner you can start putting money in your pocket and gain your independence. You can take the # 27 from Charlotte Transportation Center (leaves every 20 minutes) and get off at Memorial Stadium. It’s a 3 minute walk from there. There are 3 guys in the I.P.S. team and they focus solely on finding employment. So the chances are pretty good that they’ll find a job that you will like.



